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President: Stalikas Anastasios (Panteion University, Department of Psychology)
Discussant: Kleftaras Georgios (University of Thessaly)

This symposium presents the development, implementation and evaluation of psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational interventions which are theoretically and clinically inspired by the framework of Positive Psychology. The qualitative analysis of the data collected during the interventions is distinguished as a methodology. Initially, the contribution of psychotherapy to the strengthening of mental resilience and the investigation of the size and quality of this contribution are mentioned. More specifically, the qualitative analysis of interviews with clients who have experienced a traumatic life event and have successfully completed a therapeutic cycle is attempted. Based on the methodology of empirically grounded theory, the research findings highlight the central role of the psychotherapeutic relationship in the development of mental resilience. In another sample of clients and adopting the same methodological approach, the auxiliary factors in a successful psychotherapy were studied, from the perspective of the clients. Specifically, it is reported that the psychotherapeutic process changed the perception of life, the relationship with oneself and others and the way they deal with their difficulties every day. A psycho-educational intervention is also presented with the aim of developing Enjoyment strategies. The development of ten positive emotion management strategies is reported. The aim of the intervention is to investigate its effectiveness beyond its educational character, by introducing the practice of experiential exercises. Next, the analysis of qualitative data in a psychotherapy program for cardiac patients is presented. The aim of the study is to highlight and identify recurring themes that have a significant impact on the psychological health indicators of heart patients, and by extension on the magnitude of their rehabilitation facilitation. In another population of substance abusers, qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews is presented. From the analysis of the qualitative data, seven narrative genres emerged that the participants use to highlight their thoughts, concerns and feelings. Finally, the overall assessment and potential impact of the above studies in the context of counseling psychology as a theory and clinical application is attempted.

1st presentation 
An empirically grounded theory of the contribution of psychotherapy to enhancing mental resilience 
Lakioti Agathi, Stalikas Anastasios 
Panteion University, Department of Psychology

2nd presentation
What helps in psychotherapy? Investigating the presence of therapeutic factors in clients' narratives following the completion of a successful therapeutic process.
Katerina Zimni, Stalikas Anastasios 
Panteion University, Department of Psychology

3rd presentation
Presentation of results from the implementation of a psycho-educational series of seminars based on the ten Savoring strategies.
Alexis Charisiadis, Irini Karakasidou, Anastasios Stalikas, 
Panteion University, Department of Psychology

4th presentation

Psychocardiology and qualitative analysis of psychotherapeutic intervention in heart patients
A. Tsirikos, A. Stalikas
Panteion University, Department of Psychology

5th presentation
Understanding recovery from psychotropic substances: a narrative approach to motivation and ambivalence about change.
Katerina Flora
Panteion University, Department of Psychology

President: Stalikas Anastasios (Hellenic Society of Positive Psychology)
Discussant: Galanakis Michalis (Hellenic Society of Positive Psychology)

This symposium will feature four papers, focusing on new concepts emerging in the field of Positive Psychology. These concepts provide a new way of understanding human functioning and introduce different perspectives in considering psychological processes. In the first presentation, reference will be made to the concept of self-compassion with the aim of both the complete conceptual presentation of this specific concept and its conceptual separation from other related concepts, such as self-esteem, self-pity, etc. The second presentation focuses on a cluster of concepts related to work, leadership, cultivating positive experiences, and building positive organizations. More specifically, a review of the recent literature will be presented, as well as the results of various researches. The third communication will focus on the topic of friendships with the aim of summarizing the relevant literature regarding the way in which friendship affects the life of the adult person, contributes to the development of his "powers", the cultivation of his personal virtues and values, experiencing positive emotions and achieving happiness and well-being in general. Finally, in the fourth announcement, reference will be made to the role of emotions in the establishment of law and the administration of justice. All presentations will be discussed under the lens of counseling psychology, referring both to their theoretical and conceptual importance and to their application both in research and practice.

1st presentation
Self-compassion: A healthy way to relate to myself
Irini Karakasidou, Stalikas Anastasios, Panteion University, Department of Psychology

2nd presentation
Emotions and Law: Enactment and Performance of Law - Institutions - Values 
Ioannis Arambatzis, Stalikas Anastasios, Panteion University, Department of Psychology

3rd presentation
Achieving well-being through social relationships: The critical role of friendship
Christos Pezirkianidis, Stalikas Anastasios, Panteion University, Department of Psychology

4th presentation
The applications of Positive Psychology at work
Viki Charalambous, Stalikas Anastasios, Panteion University, Department of Psychology

President: Michalis Galanakis
Discussant: Kounenou Kalliopi

Contemporary research in Positive Psychology focuses on issues that affect the individual on a daily basis and influence positive individual factors. Some of these issues will be presented in the context of this symposium with the ultimate aim of highlighting the benefits for the advisory act. Two of the talks that will be held as part of the symposium will present research data on the effects of the economic crisis on positive factors, such as mental resilience, experiencing positive emotions, subjective happiness, meaning in life, inspiration and curiosity . In addition, they will comment on the relationships observed between these variables and the fruits of these results for Counseling and, in particular, Professional Counseling. Additionally, within the framework of this symposium, a study will be presented, which will highlight the consulting perspective on the functioning of emotions through advertising. In other words, the emphasis will be on how the advertisement evokes positive or negative emotions in the receiver, so that it is imprinted in his memory, changes his attitude and creates needs. Finally, theoretical and research data will be presented, which testify to the inseparable relationship between Positive Psychology and Counseling Homeowners. In the context of this presentation, the common points between the two will be highlighted both in theory and in practice. More specifically, reference will be made to strengthening interpersonal relationships and strengthening characteristics such as responsibility, altruism, empathy, compassion, emotional intelligence and courage

1st Presentation
Positive psychology and Homicide Counseling: points of convergence. Theoretical and research data
Anna Benetou, Panteion University, Department of Psychology


2nd Presentation
The function of emotions in the transmission, "impression" and mobilization of the receiver through advertising.
Christos Barkas, Anastasios Stalikas, Panteion University, Department of Psychology

3rd Presentation
Investigating the Relationship between Resilience, Positive Emotions and Curiosity under the Financial Crisis 
Skourleti Chrysoula, Pezirkianidis Christos, Stalikas Anastasios, 
Panteion University, Department of Psychology

4th Presentation
The effect of the financial crisis on subjective happiness, existence of meaning in life and source of inspiration 
Vrettou Ifigenia, Pezirkianidis Christos, Stalikas Anastasios, 
Panteion University, Department of Psychology

President: M. Galanakis, Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences
Discussant: A. Stalikas, Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences

1st Presentation

The effect of emotional intelligence on finding meaning in life and psychological well-being

M. Galanakis & A. Stalikas 
Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences

2nd Presentation

Professional indecisiveness and personality 
K. Kounenou, E. Fragoulis, D. Panda, & M. Kostoula 
Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPAITE)

3rd Presentation

Mental health risks and protective factors during the financial crisis: the contribution of positive psychology to counseling 
V. Giotsidis, C. Sergianni, A. Mertika, A. Boutri, P. Mytskidou, & A. Stalikas 
Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences

4th Presentation

Factors of positive psychology and economic crisis: A survey in a Cypriot population 
P. Georgiadou, M. Apostolou, K. Agathokleous, & A. Paschali 
University of Nicosia


President: G. Kleftaras, University of Thessaly 
Discussant: A. Stalikas, Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences


1st Presentation

Cultivating a Positive Attitude in a Time of Crisis: The Relationship of Experiencing Positive Emotions and Existence of Meaning to Individual's Subjective Happiness 
L. Zapandiotou1, E. Karakasidou2, & A. Stalikas2 

2nd Presentation

The effect of Vitality, Mental Resilience and Positive Emotions on teacher burnout 
F. Koudigeli, E. Karakasidou, A. Stalikas 
Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences Department of Psychology

3rd Presentation

Experiencing Positive Emotions, Meaning of Life and Mental Resilience as protective factors in teacher burnout 
P. Mileis1 & A. Stalikas2 

4th Presentation

Mental Resilience, Positive Emotions, and Psychosomatic Health: Focusing on Army NCO Students 
K. Karabas 1 & A. Stalikas

Individual Presentations

1) The effect of the economic crisis on levels of meaning, life satisfaction and psychopathology symptoms
Deiktakis Michael, , Pezirkianidis Christos, , Stalikas Anastasios, 
Panteion University, Department of Psychology

2) The effect of the economic crisis on the levels of depression, anxiety, stress, positive emotions and hope of adults
Evgenia Efstathiou, Christos Pezirkianidis, Stalikas Anastasios, 
Panteion University, Department of Psychology

3) Investigating the relationship between mental resilience, optimism and subjective happiness under the economic crisis 
Eleni Manolakou, Christos Pezirkianidis, Stalikas Anastasios, 
Panteion University, Department of Psychology

4) Investigating the relationship between resilience, positive emotions and curiosity under the financial crisis 
Skourleti Chrysoula, Pezirkianidis Christos, Stalikas Anastasios, 
Panteion University, Department of Psychology

5) The effect of the economic crisis on subjective happiness, the existence of meaning in life and source of inspiration 
Vrettou Ifigenia, Pezirkianidis Christos, Stalikas Anastasios, 
Panteion University, Department of Psychology

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