Psychometry II

Lesson Outline
Teacher: Anastasios Stalikas, Ph.D., tel. 920-1702
e-mail:, |
Course Hours: Wednesday 15:00 - 18:00 - Room C1
Office Hours:
Office: New Building, 2nd floor, B-10
Subject areas to consider
Theories of Intelligence
Subscales (what each measure, combination of subscales)
Within-individual analysis
Theories of personality
Personality questionnaires
NEO-PI (description)
MBTI (description, use, axes of measurement-dipoles)
MMPI (description, subscales, validity and reliability scales)
Recommended books
1. Clinical Psychometry (Robert Mellon, Publishers: PEDIO S.A.),
2. Psychometry (Kontopoulou H. Efi, Publishers: NIKITOPOULOS E. KE SIA OE.)
3. Psychometry and Psychological Evaluation (Karina Koulakoglou, Publishers: PAPAZISI SA)
Course Description
In this course, which is a natural continuation of Psychometry I, we will continue the historical review and development of the field of Psychometry from 1950 until today. Tests of intelligence, personality, aptitudes and interests and the theories from which they are derived will be presented.
Objectives of the Course
The aim of the course is to help students learn: (a) the historical development of the area, (b) the philosophical, social and scientific components that influenced and influence this cognitive area, (c) the main ways of psychometric intervention and assessment, and d ) in the correct selection and use of a battery of psychological tests for a comprehensive assessment.
After successful completion of this course participants will be able to:
Describe with clarity and knowledge:
(a) the basic tenets of the major theories of intelligence, personality, skills and interests
(b) the tests derived from each of these theoretical approaches
(c) the historical development of Psychometry
(2) Select a series of tests to evaluate a clinical case
Lesson process
My lectures will be based on both the literature you will be given and my clinical experience and knowledge and will cover the material mentioned above. You are welcome at any time to comment on anything from or on what I teach. In my teaching I will ask you questions and then I will answer them from one or more perspectives and approaches. by CinemaP-1.9cV08.10"> If you know the answer to the questions I ask, feel free to suggest it.
Consequently, your notes will be questions and answers to questions. In class talk, comment, criticize and argue. Express your positions, your beliefs and your opinions whether they are based on what you have read or your personal thoughts. Eat and drink. Let us respect the right of non-smokers to a clean atmosphere and try to smoke as little as possible and only in the back of the classroom. Be on time, attend all lectures and take good notes.
Course Requirements and Evaluation
Final exam, in the exam period, worth 100%. The exams consist of multiple choice questions. Alternatively, you may complete semi-exempt work (five credits) and the final exam will be worth five credits.
Participation in the class and attendance: Although attendance is not mandatory, participation in the lectures is definitely helpful since a lot of information will be given in the lectures and only in them.