Introduction to Positive Psychology
The book "Introduction to Positive Psychology" , edited by Mr. Stalikas Anastasios and Mr. Mytskidou Paschalia, is the collective work of a group of scientists who have been active for the last ten years in the wider field of Positive Psychology. Based both on the international literature and on the research activity of the members of the Hellenic Society of Positive Psychology, it aims to be a broad introduction to the field of Positive Psychology, to inform and sensitize both the scientific community and the general public regarding its theoretical bases , its axioms, and its applications, ensuring at the same time a scientific approach.
The book consists of two parts. The first five chapters refer to the theoretical basis, principles and basic concepts of Positive Psychology. The next seven chapters deal with the applications of Positive Psychology in various areas of our lives, such as education, work and health. The book concludes with two chapters that present the future trends and applications of Positive Psychology as well as the criticism of this new branch of Psychology.
The book, scientific in its essence and methodology, is written in a simple and understandable way, so as to offer each reader a new perspective and perspective on his life: The ability to use the abilities and his virtues so that he lives a life of purpose and meaning.